The Systemic Medicine Course: Trauma Healing with Family Constellation

Dr. Gaurav Deka
13 min readNov 7, 2021


Powered by Cognial Healers’ Academy | International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) | International Institute of Systemic Medicine (IISM)

The Systemic Medicine Course: Trauma Healing with Family Constellation (Level One)

Have you ever wondered if your experiences, traumas, or issues are truly yours? Do they really belong to you? There is a lot of research and case studies that indicate that we carry the traumas, experiences, diseases and inner conflicts of our parents and our forefathers. Ask me, and I shall present you with more than a hundred case studies! We all carry such traumas and fears in the form of unconscious loyalties. We play them out in our life, sometimes sabotaging our own growth and other times bringing a life threatening disease into our body. It happens so unconsciously that we don’t even realise that these could be the residues of the pain and sufferings of our parents and our ancestors. The Systemic Medicine Course: Healing Trauma with Family Constellation is a combined series of tools and techniques that I have developed after training with more than seven trainers worldwide and more than thirty trainings. Both online and offline.

This is going to be your one stop solution and the most intense form of learning a completely new methodology to resolve trauma at the mind, body and soul level. Every question that remains unanswered in the healing journey of your clients, or your own reconciliation and recovery, this training is going to bring answers to all of them. I welcome you to take this deep & extraordinary journey with me to the depth of your soul and gift yourself the most remarkable learning of your lifetime

“You can be from any walk of life trying to find a solution to your problems. May be you wonder where your symptoms come from. Year after year you find yourself in the same dissatisfying relationship. Any new venture you begin, there is always financial strife. The symptoms of your illness appears randomly and you can’t pin point as to what caused it. So, it doesn’t matter if you are here as a Seeker for your own healing or you are a budding therapist, a Healer or a Psychologist. A medical doctor too, (just like me) or an integrated-holistic expert. You could be someone starting completely new to understand your life’s journey and walk on the path of healing and trauma resolution. In all of these scenarios what I am going to offer you is absolutely out of the world! I am going to bring the most remarkable set of tools, processes and methodologies that will change the way you look at healing and life at large. This form of profound healing work is called The Systemic Medicine Course: Healing Trauma with Family Constellation

— Dr. Gaurav Deka, Trauma Resolution Expert and Systemic Coach

Why Should You Do This Training?

In systemic medicine, we view every issue, every challenge from the lens of the

Family System. This unique technique brings forth the hidden and unspoken

dynamics of a system and how an individual is expressing it without being aware of it completely.

The study of epigenetics reflects how the behaviors and environment can impact how an individual responds to a particular environment.The physical and emotional environment of the Parents, Grandparents and generations before them can affect the genetic expression of the child born in the present. Which means the child could be unconsciously repeating certain traumatic experiences that happened in the family or following the fate of someone else who had a difficult life. For example, when a woman feels a sudden and unexplained pang of unidentified loneliness at the age of 32, it was so revealed that her grandmother had lost her husband to the war when she was 32. This is ancestral clock at work.

In the same way a son may feel his mother’s anger, a grandson may sense his late grandfather’s coldness and much more.

Just like traits and features, emotions and feelings which went unexpressed in a body system of an individual travels down to the following generations, until somebody down the line is ready to feel and express it completely.

However Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible!

This training is an impactful tool, which will help you to unlock the story behind the symptoms and resolve them by bringing lasting change to your genetic expression.

Some of the experiences shared by our alumni:

I have learned constellation with Gaurav in person and done the online course. The online course provided me so much more. Infact even ease of conducting the sessions with clients across the globe. Cognial courses allow one to practice immediately. And that’s the USP!” — Suniti Barua, Founder at Iscah Wellness.

For everyone who are resistant about online vs in person — I have realised 100% that it totally depends on the therapist/ trainer who is taking the session or class. Medium of learning plays a very small role here. Learning from Dr Gaurav has been the most powerful learning experience of my life. This course is a must for people looking for expansion of experience in the field of therapy and healing!” — Shruti Tibrewal, Trauma InformedTherapist.

By far the most powerful online programs, I have come across so far! My own practice of Regression & Inner child work has found a newer depth and approach which gels perfectly with the practice of Family Constellations. I have never been more empowered.” — Garima Verma, Holistic Psychotherapist, Consciousness Coach.

Having attended the constellation class with Gaurav, I gained a new insight into the genesis of relationships. How they are affected and healed. Very thankful to be in this learning space.” — Dr Charulata, Consultant Gynecologist.

Dr Gaurav is an amazing trainer. I have learnt things from him which is no where taught in any of the psychological therapies. I have done EFT, Money class and Family Constellation from him and being a therapist I mostly use these techniques instead of psychotherapy, as I feel it helps my clients more. He has helped me resolve many of my issues which I was not aware of before. Thanks a lot! Please come up with more online workshops so that I can attend those too!” — Praditi Choudhuri, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Access Bars Practitioner.

This family constellation foundation course unravels the issues regarding relationships, health & money. The family being the foundation of any ‘Being’ have profound effect on all areas of one’s life. This course sorts out such layers problems. It has brought in my issues to the forefront as well, helping me to be in ease with myself and those involved. Gratitude Gaurav sir for taking us through this and being a support in our journey.” — Shubhra, Spiritual Counselor.

Dr Gaurav’s classes are a delight! I have taken EFT, Money class, Family Consellations, Psychogenomics of Disease with him, I can’t wait to continue learning and growing. He is engaging, charismatic, intuitive, highly knowledgeable, and puts in a lot of love into his work! I urge all seekers to take Dr G’s classes! Whether you want to heal from family trauma, learn about energy blockages getting in way of you making more money, understand why certain patterns keep appearing in your life and more, Dr Gaurav’s expert knowledge and healing modalities can help. Blessed Journey!” — Nadine Cheaib, Journalist and Holistic Healer.

Gaurav! Your sessions on Family constellations like Money Constellations, Inner Child et al (The list is endless), are pathbreaking experiences even for a novice like me! The recent experience I had in your Family Constellation sessions, wasn’t just a learning, it was doorway to experimenting on my own Family constellations. Just as a practice to explore its efficacy, when 3 days back, I lined up a simple family constellation with figurines, I could resolve a very pertinent issue hanging and sitting unresolved between me and my father for a few years now. Could be disentangled in the field and I can already see an easy flowing in between the two of us. Doesn’t seem less than a miracle. Cant wait to attend the advanced level. This is indeed one of the most empowering experiences of my life. Wish I could stand on cliff and tell all the people out there to experience a mentor like you — FINEST IN THE COUNTRY! Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!!!” — Nidhi Kashive, Spiritual Seeker and Family Constellation Practitioner.

In this training, you will

  1. Learn how to identify your true self and follow the path which is truly yours.
  2. Learn how trauma follows us from generation to generation and there is way to decode it.
  3. Learn that most of who we are and what we manifest in life are result of the burdens, life experiences and heavy fate of our parents.
  4. Learn that there are certain ways by which we inherit Family Trauma and there are specific methods to discover, simplify and understand these ways.
  5. Learn that the roots of your illnesses, relationship conflicts, money situations are all present in the stories of your forefathers and ancestors.
  6. Learn step by step guided methodology to draw out your own or your client’s family tree and show them all the traumas in a pictorial form that they are carrying.
  7. Learn how your bodies carry the family traumas in the form of chronic disease, fear, anxiety, even psychosis. And how you can release them using imageries.
  8. Learn Breath Work & Body-Awareness based practices in the context of Family Constellation on how to release Inherited Family Trauma and Attachment Wounds using breath, awareness and images.
  9. Learn more than 30+ self help tools to help yourself or your clients to decode their family traumas, set up detailed constellations and release heavy burdens, issues and blocks.
  10. Learn how energy works in Family Constellation, and generations of ancestral trauma can be resolved simply by the energetic release that happens within a family constellation.
  11. Learn how to perform one-on-one family constellations along with group based techniques of conducting healing sessions.
  12. Learn how to combine regression therapy based mindfulness techniques to the art of family constellation for healing generations of ancestral trauma.

Who can do this Training
There is no pre-requisite for this program. All are welcome & included.

  1. You could be from any walk of life trying to understand yourself and your identity.
  2. You could be going through a grave illness, a repeated financial pattern, a recurring relationship conflict and seeking to find the true answer to this.
  3. You may be someone wanting to assist and help others and would want to start your journey as a healer.
  4. You may already be a holistic practitioner — maybe a life coach or a therapist.
  5. You may also be a medical doctor, a physician or a psychologist.
  6. You may be someone with a dire, profound need of an inner healing journey.
  7. You may be someone wanting to know their lineage and bring healing to their entire ancestral line.

Structure of the Training Program

  1. The Level 1 program consists a total of 20 classes divided into
    a. 12 LIVE Classes by Dr. Gaurav Deka
    b. 4 Recorded Lecture Classes on the 4 unconscious themes by Dr. Gaurav Deka
    c. 4 Support Sessions by Supervisors appointed by Dr. Gaurav Deka
  2. The total duration of the course is 3 months.
  3. All LIVE Classes by Dr. Gaurav Deka will happen on Fridays starting 4th February 2022 (excluding support sessions)
  4. The duration of each class will be 2.5 hours to 3 hours.
  5. Timings of the classes: 17:00 hours to 20:00 hours Indian Standard Time (IST)
  6. Recordings of the classes will be provided and will be available with the participants for a duration of three months after the end of the program.
  7. Level 1 Practitioner Certificates will be issued to people upon submission of relevant case studies and assignments.

Class One | 4th Feb 2022

  1. Foundations of Family Constellation and Family Trauma.
  2. How Trauma Travels from one generation to the other.
  3. How do we begin to observe and identify these traumas.
  4. The genetic pathway by which family trauma lives in our bodies.
  5. Orders of Love and an introduction to Bert Hellinger’s work.
  6. What is a system? What is the family soul? What is the knowing field?
  7. How individual problems of depression, anxiety or finances never belong to the individual but to the whole family?
  8. Introduction to Systemic Laws and Orders.
  9. Case Studies and stories of Intergenerational Trauma.
  10. Body and Breath Awareness of Intergenerational Trauma.

Class Two | 11th Feb 2022

  1. The Method of Family Constellation
  2. How to start representing in a Constellation
  3. How we carry the fates of others in our families
  4. The Therapeutic Effect of a Constellation
  5. Learning to make pictorial Family Trees
  6. Introduction to decoding family traumas by drawing a family tree
  7. Advanced understanding of epigenetic
  8. Entanglements and Following
  9. Suicides, Addiction and Terminal Illness
  10. Limits of Family Constellation

Class Three | 18th Feb 2022

  1. What is Systemic Medicine.
  2. How to use the body to exercise Systemic Medicine.
  3. Regression Therapy based methods in Family Constellation Therapy.
  4. Breath Work based Methods in Family Constellation Therapy.
  5. Art Based Methods in Family Constellation Therapy.
  6. Mindfulness Based Methods in Family Constellation Therapy.

Class Four | 25th Feb 2022

  1. The truth behind unconscious loyalties and how it works
  2. Are we loyal when we enter a divorce? Invite an illness? Have a financial crisis?
  3. How to have a dialogue with ancestors.
  4. How to bring relief to ourself by accepting the difficult fates of our ancestors.
  5. Using images to visualize the ancestors and speaking to them.
  6. Family Constellation Group Demo and step by Step Breakdown.
  7. The art of forming your own dialogues and healing statements
  8. The art of healing your own family trauma by yourself.

Class Five | 4th March 2022

  1. The Wound we have with our Mother
  2. A Case Study of Rejection in Romantic Relationships
  3. How we often end up rejecting a parent of ours
  4. How mother and father wounds travel down to us
  5. The blind unconscious love of a child
  6. A case of dyslexia and unconscious guilt
  7. A case of gastritis and intergenerational voices
  8. How our traumas are often hidden in our worst fears

Class Six | 11th March 2022

  1. A child can do anything for you
  2. What are Heavy Fates
  3. Orders and Types of Heavy Fate
  4. Looking Deeper into the Family System
  5. Looking Deeper into Entanglements
  6. Causes of Entanglements
  7. What is Parentification?
  8. How we follow the dead
  9. Ancestral Healing Demo

Class Seven | 18th March 2022

  1. Forms and Structures of Family Constellation
  2. The importance of Ancestral Rituals
  3. Amalgamating Rituals into Body Based Practices
  4. The emotional landscape during a constellation
  5. The Therapeutic Attitude
  6. Postures in Constellation
  7. Understanding Movement of Energy in a Constellation
  8. Effective Resolution and Practices

Class Eight | 25th March 2022

  1. How we break our connection with Mother
  2. Interruption in receiving her Love
  3. How that effects a system and later generations
  4. The Father Wound and its effects
  5. Becoming a Child Once again
  6. How boundaries and their lack affect a family
  7. How to do a one on one constellation
    a. Using a single representative
    b. Using paper markers
    c. Using different Models
  8. How to work with Collective Trauma

Class Nine | 1st April 2022

  1. Diving deep into Family Tree
  2. Working directly with Trauma
  3. Kinds of Memory
  4. Symptoms of Attachment Trauma
  5. Symptoms of Intergenerational Trauma
  6. The Neurophysiology of Healing
  7. Resources and Techniques of Healing

Class Ten | 8th April 2022

  1. Advanced Methods and Techniques of Healing
  2. Locating deeper entanglements in the Family Tree
  3. Breakout Rooms for drawing their own Family Trees
  4. Rituals of Healing and Inner Work
  5. Case Studies Discussion
  6. Family Constellation Demonstration

Class Eleven | 15th April 2022 [Experiential Class]

  1. Drawing the Family Tree
  2. Locating the Attachment Wounds
  3. Finding them in the body
  4. Doing the Inner Child Work
  5. Locating the Intergenerational Wounds
  6. Finding them in the body
  7. Healing by using Imagery and Constellation
  8. Structure of a session with a client
  9. Duties and Attitude of a Therapist

Class Twelve | 22nd April 2022 [Integration Class]

  1. Bringing it all together
  2. Using Voices + Dialogues
  3. Imageries to set up a constellation
  4. Epigenetic Psychoeducation to a client
  5. Systemic Coaching
  6. Dissection of a constellation
  7. Anatomy of Healing
  8. Bringing your Family Picture together
  9. Final Integration and Practices

*Support Session Dates by the Supervisors: 19th Feb, 19th March, 9th April, 23rd April 2022

**Four Recorded Classes by Dr. Gaurav Deka on the Four Unconscious Themes around Intergenerational Family Trauma will be emailed to all the participants after the completion of the first six classes.


This Program also Includes:

  • Six months Access to recorded video lessons + handouts
  • Facebook Group to clear all doubts and queries
  • Post workshop assistance in the form of an active Facebook Group
  • Discussion of Cases and Demonstrations post workshop
  • Assistance from Supervisors of Dr. Gaurav Deka

To be a part of regular updates on Family constellations, please join in our Facebook group

Trauma Mastery and Healing

Fees and Payment

Super Early Bird Price: INR 1,20,000/- If you pay anytime on or before 4th of December 2021 [OR 1750 USD]

Early Bird Price: INR 1,35,000/- If you pay anytime between 5th of December 2021 and 4th of January 2022 [OR 1950 USD]

Regular Price: INR 1,50,000/- If you pay anytime after the 4th of January 2022 till the 1st of February 2022 [OR 2175 USD]

*Course registration closes on the 2nd of February and commences on the 4th of February 2022

**Installment and EMI plans are unavailable until 5th January 2022.

For Repeaters: Participants who have already completed the full certification program, covering all the modules of the 2020 or the 2021 program of Family Constellation under Cognial’s Healers’ Academy with Dr Gaurav Deka are also eligible to repeat the program. The special Family Constellation Alumni fees is INR 80,000/- to be paid in one go only. This fee does not apply to any participant completing any other program under Cognial Healers’ Academy. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the course.

To Register and make payment click here

For any other details or information email or Call/WhatsApp our course coordinator Garima Verma at +91–931 576 6799

For registrations via bank transfer or online banking please email or call the above number.

Disclaimer: This program of Cognial Healers’ Academy is recognized under International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and International Institute of Systemic Medicine (IISM). All the audios and videos shared during the program are a copyright material of Cognial Healers’ Academy, any reproduction or distribution of the content without written permission will lead to legal intervention. Cognial Healers’ Academy is only responsible for imparting the knowledge necessary for the course under the guidelines of the recognized bodies. However it is not responsible for any of the private practice of any current or previous participant.

Cognial Healers Academy Pvt. Ltd.



Dr. Gaurav Deka

Delhi Based Writer & Doctor | Trauma Resolution Expert | Family Constellation Trainer & Psychotherapist | LGBT Counsellor